

Rasa Karakul de Botoşani este o rasă românească specializată pentru producţia de pielicele iar până în prezent sunt omologate 4 varietăți de culoare în cadrul rasei, respectiv neagră, brumărie, maro și sur.

Varietățile de culoare alb, roz și halili momentan sunt în etapa de înmulțire a
efectivelor, etapă premergătoare procesului de omologare, deoarece sunt
într-un număr restrâns.

Culoare neagră omologată

Culoare brumărie omologată

Culoare maro omologată

Culoare sur omologată

Culoare alb în curs de omologare

Culoare roz în curs de omologare

Culoare halili în curs de omologare

Din pielicele karakul se obțin atât obiecte vertimentale cât și accesorii: căciuli, săpci, jachete, paltoane, haine de blană etc. În prezent, hainele de piele nu mai sunt purtate doar la ocazii speciale, ci pot fi integrate în combinații inedite de elemente vestimentare.

Ele pot fi purtate în asociere cu o pereche de jeans și diferite modele de pantofi, dar și la o ținută mai pretențioasă, atunci când evenimentul o impune. În funcție de evenimentul la care iau parte doamnele aleg o ținută: casual, office sau elegantă iar îmbrăcămintea din pielicele Karakul se pretează pentru toate ținutele.

Obiectele vestimetare sunt purtate atât de bărbați, cât și de femei. Dacă pentru bărbați lucrurile sunt relativ simple, rezolvându-și ținuta doar cu o căciulă, o șapcă, un cojoc sau o haină pentru doamne atunci când vine vorba să-și aleagă îmbracămintea lucrurile devin mai interesante, deoarece ele au o gamă mai largă din care pot alege: haine de blană, pălării, jachete, fuste, rochii, mănuși și eșarfe etc.


Lucrari si carti publicate


Managementul activitatii de reproducere in vederea cresterii performantelor la rasa Karakul de Botosani

Evaluarea gradului de ameliorare a caracterelor de productie la rasa Karakul de Botosani

Lucrari ISI:

1. Influence of Supplemental Feeding on Body Condition Score and Reproductive Performance Dynamics in Botosani Karakul Sheep

2. Research regarding the rams influence in triggering off-season sexual cycles

3. Research on the influence of age on reproductive indices in Karakul of Botosani sheep

4. Research on curent evaluation stage of curl type improvement for Karakul of Botosani

5. Influence of some external factors on specific characteristics of seminal material for Karakul de Botoșani breed rams.

6. Determining the current state of curl’s improvement in strength and elasticity

7. Research regarding the influence of lactation stage on milk production at Carpatina breed

8. Determining the current stage of improving curl uniformity in the color varieties belonging to the Karakul on Botosani breed

9. Evaluation of heterosis effect on milk production at half-breed females resulted by cross-breeding of carpatina breed with other breeds

10. The evaluation of the present stage of formation of the grizzled coloured variety from the Karakul de Botoşani breed

11. Research regarding the quality of pelts from Karakul lambs of Botoşani as effect of crossings between breeders belonging to the variety of brown color

12. Effect of selection pressure on fixing the qualitative features of lamb pelts of Karakul type

13. Analysis concerning the influence of colour genes in Karakul sheep on milk production

Morbidity incidence in a cattle farm exploited in stabulation conditions

Research regarding the evaluation of the current status of a new sheep population created in Romania

Researches regarding weight evolution considering the young female mating’s age

Lucrari cotate BDI:

1. Research on the influence of color variety on body weight of the Karakul of Botosani lambs

2. Genetic analysis and hereditary trasnmission of color at Karakul de Botosani sheep

3. Determining the current state of curl size improvement on Karakul of Botosani breed

4. Researches on young Karakul of Botosani sheep growth intensity

5. Research on growth ratio of F1 lambs obtained from mating rams specialized in meat porduction with reform females Karakul of Botosani

6. Research regarding the youth female Karakul of Botosani reproductive function

7. Determining the current degree in improvement of curl’s resistance and elasticity in the Karakul of Botosani breed.

8. Research concerning the influence of stimulative feeding over reproduction activity of Karakul of Botosani breed.

9. Heritability determination for reproduction characters in the new milk population formed in the north-east part of Romania

10. Evaluation of Milk Production at Ţigaie Sheep Reared in Romania

11. Determining current stage of color uniformity improvement for skins obtained from Karakul Of Botoşani breed

12. Assessing the Current State of Curl Type Improvement for Karakul of Botoşani Breed in Relation to the Color Variety

13. The influence of technological factors on the lactogen potential at goats

14. Estimation of the heterosis effect for the production of meat in goats

15. Assessment of abilities for meat production for half-breeds resulting from the crossing of awassi and Tigaie sheep

16. Performance evaluation for the production of meat at young goats

17. Influence of atmospheric temperature on heating release at Karakul de Botoşani sheep breed

18. Estimation of breeding activity for the Karakul of Botosani breed

19. The effect of applied crossbreeding on increasing of milk production in sheep

20. Assessing the current state of improvement witch affects the quality of fibres at the Karakul of Botoșani breed

21. Research regarding quality of pelts obtained by cross-breading between genitors belonging to Karakul of Botoşani breed, gray variety

22. Precocious utilisation at reproduction of female youth sheep from Ţigaie breed

23. The color transmission in the case of cross breed sheep belonging to the Black Karakul Variety

24. Research on transmission of color at Karakulul of Botosani

25. The use of methods and technologies to improve the performances of reproduction and production in goats

26. Reproduction indices in the botosani Karakul females and their evolution in the reproduction period

27. Study of aptitudes for the meat production of the Tigaie breed which is beeing raised in the traditional pools from the Eastern part of Romania

28. Estimation of genetic parameters specific to Tigaie breed reared in North-East part of Romania

29. Studies regarding the application effect of productive control techniques on improvement of Karakul lamb skins quality

30. The effect of crossing romanian sheep breeds with rams of meat breeds over the specific indicators of meat production

31. Dynamics of the qualitative features of lamb pelts of Karakul type in a production farm

Cercetări cu privire la influenţa factorilor naturali asupra activităţii de reproducţie şi a comportamentului sexual la berbeci

Efectul încrucişărilor de ameliorare în creşterea producţiei de lapte la ovine

Research regarding the influence of technological factors on the body development of the Karakul de Botosani lambs.